GRAND Prize at US-China Young Maker Competetion 2020
Organized by Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China, Chiness Service Center for Scolarly Exchange, Tsinghua University, Google

3rd Prize at US-China Young Maker Competetion 2021
Organized by Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China, Chiness Service Center for Scolarly Exchange, Tsinghua University, Google

Shortlisted for Makermela 2022
Organized by Makermela, Asia's largest platform for makers

Impact Prize Winner for Covid 19 Detect and Protect Challenge
Organized by United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and

Top 5 Tracking Dashboards - The Elephan Edge Contest
Organized by, Smart Parks, World Wild Foundation, Avnet

2nd Place - Challenge Climate Change
Organized by, QuickLogic Corporation and SensiML

RTS Hackathon 2018
Organized by DealerTrack